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Interesting Facts

The color of the sunset on Mars is blue. मंगलग्रह पर सूर्यास्त का रंग नीला होता हैं।   A bamboo tree grows up to 3 feet in 24 hours. एक बांस का पेड़ 24 घंटे में 3 फ़ीट तक बढ़ता हैं। Apples are not immersed in water because they contain 25% air. सेब को पानी में डालने पर वो डूबता नहीं हैं क्योंकि इसमें 25 % हवा होती हैं।  One drop of blood contains 10,000 white blood cells and 250,000 platelets. एक बूंद खून में 10000 white blood cells और 250000 प्लेटलेट्स होती हैं।  Bees flap their wings more than 200 times a second while flying. मधुमक्खी उड़ते समय एक सेकंड में 200 से भी ज्यादा बार अपने पंख फड़फड़ाती हैं।  If a number is multiplied by 9, the sum of all digits of the result will be 9. Example 345 * 9 = 3105 and the sum of these digits is also 3+1+0+5 = 9. अगर किसी संख्या को 9 से गुणा किया जाए  तो परिणाम के सभी अंको  का योगफल 9 ही होगा। उदाहरण 345*9 =3105 और इन अंको का योगफल भी 3+1+0+5=9 हैं।  60% of the weight of a human body is water. मनुष्य के शरीर में 60% वजन पानी का होता हैं।  Our lips neve

How to Concentrate on Studies for Long Hours


Have you ever wished you could control your mind better?

It’s frustrating, because you know that you really need to concentrate on something, and you’re trying your best, but you just keep on getting distracted.

To be fair, you’re not alone. Focus has become a huge topic in recent years, largely because technology related interruptions have been making it harder for us to sustain concentration for long periods of time.

But this doesn’t mean that we can’t see significant improvements to our attentional-control. Our ability to do so is a puzzle. We don’t need to solve all of it at once, we simply need to figure out which pieces will make the difference for us.

One primary issue we have is that we come across advice about concentration, most people fail to take into consideration the scope of factors that impact our ability to focus, instead opting for a one-dimensional approach. Maybe they say it’s your diet, or your willpower, that you need to be more organised with study materials, or that you should “try meditation.”

This is why this blog cover everything!

To maximise our ability to concentrate on our studies for longer hours, we need to consider how we can:

  • Improve our baseline ability to concentrate
  • Decide on the best time of day for us to study
  • Eat the right foods before studying
  • Create the best environment for us to study in
  • Clear brain fog
  • Approach work with the right mindset
  • Create an effective study plan and set goals
  • Avoid distractions while studying
  • Remember what we study
  • Safely take supplements that optimize our brain for study


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