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Interesting Facts

The color of the sunset on Mars is blue. मंगलग्रह पर सूर्यास्त का रंग नीला होता हैं।   A bamboo tree grows up to 3 feet in 24 hours. एक बांस का पेड़ 24 घंटे में 3 फ़ीट तक बढ़ता हैं। Apples are not immersed in water because they contain 25% air. सेब को पानी में डालने पर वो डूबता नहीं हैं क्योंकि इसमें 25 % हवा होती हैं।  One drop of blood contains 10,000 white blood cells and 250,000 platelets. एक बूंद खून में 10000 white blood cells और 250000 प्लेटलेट्स होती हैं।  Bees flap their wings more than 200 times a second while flying. मधुमक्खी उड़ते समय एक सेकंड में 200 से भी ज्यादा बार अपने पंख फड़फड़ाती हैं।  If a number is multiplied by 9, the sum of all digits of the result will be 9. Example 345 * 9 = 3105 and the sum of these digits is also 3+1+0+5 = 9. अगर किसी संख्या को 9 से गुणा किया जाए  तो परिणाम के सभी अंको  का योगफल 9 ही होगा। उदाहरण 345*9 =3105 और इन अंको का योगफल भी 3+1+0+5=9 हैं।  60% of the weight of a human body is water. मनुष्य के शरीर में 60% वजन पानी का होता हैं।  Our lips neve

How can we improve my concentration?

How can we improve my concentration?

Here are a few effective practices for improving your concentration. Remember that your brain is like a muscle, you want to train it, then allow it to rest, and you can see significant gains, but they will generally take persistence and time.


The most effective way to improve your concentration is undoubtedly through meditation. However, not all types of meditation will serve this purpose in the same way or to the same degree, you need to make sure you’re doing the correct meditation. When studying meditation, scientists generally place practices under two broad categories. These are open-monitoring and focused-attention, the second of which is most effective at improving your ability to concentrate.

In open-monitoring meditation, the practitioner is instructed to place their attention on the thoughts and feelings that arise, and simply observe them as they pass, without judgement. The most well-known form of this meditation is mindfulness, which has not been shown to directly improve our ability to concentrate.

The second form of meditation, focused-attention, has us direct our awareness toward a single object, be that a sensation, mantra, or the feeling of the breath. While this meditation is incredibly effective, and long-term meditators have been shown to have superhuman levels of focus, it can sometimes take hundreds of hours of sustained practice before you will notice significant changes in yourself.


Read out of your comfort zone

There are a huge number of benefits to reading. Not only will it improve your vocabulary and general knowledge, but it can also sharpen your memory, imagination and communication skills. What is most relevant, however, is that reading dense content that you can’t completely comprehend can condition your mind to become used to focusing on study topics.

The longer you are able to read through this content without getting distracted, the easier it is going to be to study for long periods of time. You don’t need to constantly be knee deep in abstract philosophical texts, but if you can spend fifteen minutes every day reading something that you have to pay close attention to, this will be a huge help when it’s time to study for exams.

Work in chunks

Both the body and brain work best when they are required to exert high amounts of energy and then given rest periods to recover. We see this in athletes who train in short bursts with intervals in between. Known as high-intensity interval training (HIIT) it helps with mentalfocus and dopamine production. The same approach can be taken when we are trying to train the mind.

If we follow a regime whereby we give 100% of our concentration for a specific period, with rest intervals in between, we avoid burn out and maximise productivity. One of these methods is called the Pomodoro technique which is 25 minutes of deep work followed by 5 minutes of rest.

Strengthen your willpower

By now you’ve probably heard the cliche, willpower is like a muscle. Well, fortunately, this cliche is actually quite useful. While focused-attention will help you become immersed in the study, it is willpower that will help you to not fall into the temptation of distractions when they inevitably come up.

There are any number of ways willpower can be strengthened, but typically, repetitively engaging in any activity where there is a degree of psychological resistance will do the trick.

Some examples include:

  • Setting your alarm earlier than you want to wake up (when there is no external pressure)
  • Taking a freezing cold shower 5 minutes a day.
  • Pushing your comfort zone with physical exercise
  • Doing things that make you feel socially uncomfortable e.g. public speaking


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