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Interesting Facts

The color of the sunset on Mars is blue. मंगलग्रह पर सूर्यास्त का रंग नीला होता हैं।   A bamboo tree grows up to 3 feet in 24 hours. एक बांस का पेड़ 24 घंटे में 3 फ़ीट तक बढ़ता हैं। Apples are not immersed in water because they contain 25% air. सेब को पानी में डालने पर वो डूबता नहीं हैं क्योंकि इसमें 25 % हवा होती हैं।  One drop of blood contains 10,000 white blood cells and 250,000 platelets. एक बूंद खून में 10000 white blood cells और 250000 प्लेटलेट्स होती हैं।  Bees flap their wings more than 200 times a second while flying. मधुमक्खी उड़ते समय एक सेकंड में 200 से भी ज्यादा बार अपने पंख फड़फड़ाती हैं।  If a number is multiplied by 9, the sum of all digits of the result will be 9. Example 345 * 9 = 3105 and the sum of these digits is also 3+1+0+5 = 9. अगर किसी संख्या को 9 से गुणा किया जाए  तो परिणाम के सभी अंको  का योगफल 9 ही होगा। उदाहरण 345*9 =3105 और इन अंको का योगफल भी 3+1+0+5=9 हैं।  60% of the weight of a human body is water. मनुष्य के शरीर में 60% वजन पानी का होता हैं।  Our lips neve

Choosing the best time of day to study

Choosing the best time of day to study 

This is potentially the most important factor when it comes to concentrating on your studies. We all run on a circadian rhythm, which means that your energy goes through peaks and valleys throughout the day. This will vary person to person. As a general example, while to a certain extent we can change when we get up and go to sleep, the reality is that some of us are wired to be morning people, and others night owls.

What’s important is that we find the most effective time for us to use our mental energy. 

Here’s a simple experiment that I have used to increase my work output. Set an alarm on your watch and phone that goes off on the hour every hour that you are studying. When the alarm goes off, note the time and give yourself a score out of ten in terms of how much energy you have and how productive you’ve been.

Do this for two weeks and you will start to see when you peak concentration times are. For me, my energy is highest from 9am to  2pm, however before 10am and after about 12.30pm my productivity is lower. This means that 10am to 12pm is the best time for me to put the most important tasks of the day.


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